A Colorado resident shared a video of a group of kids who returned a wallet they found in the homeowner's driveway. Jamie Carlton shared a video that was recorded July 17 on his home's smart doorbell system of three young kids returning the wallet that had $700 cash inside.
The kids approached the front door and upon ringing the smart doorbell appeared surprised by the automated recording that asked them to leave a message. The homeowner who posted the video on Facebook wrote in the initial post that their act of honesty and kindness renewed his faith in humanity.
"If this doesn’t renew or at least refresh your faith in humanity you need help. These kids are amazing, we would love to find them to reward them and thank them. Their parents should be so proud of them. Any help finding them would be great." A relative of two of the kids saw the clip on Facebook and put their mom in touch with the homeowner.
Posted By Joe