Mother Goes Off At TSA Sexually Assaulting Her!
"at Sky Harbor International in Phoenix, AZ my
mother was sexually assaulted which brought her to
tears. Multiple TSA agents claimed to know my
whole family (WELCOME TO 1984) TSA then threatened
to steal my luggage because I left it
unattended... rather because I was 10 feet from
it. I was then threatened to have my ability to
fly revoked by Southwest Airlines, NOT TSA.
Southwest Airlines then threatened to have me
arrested for filming the event, even though TSA,
Southwest, and Phoenix Police couldn't provide me
with the statute or law that claims I cannot film
in a public area. Here is that event. Police-
Protecting and Serving??? Why is TSA asking for my
father's phone number and address at the end of
this ordeal, to add us to a no-fly list or spy on
us?" - Rynomaz11