Didn’t Go As Planned: Two Teenagers Attempt To Carjack A Man Until They Realized It Was A Stick Shift And Couldn't Get Away!
Two teenagers who allegedly tried to steal a car at a gas station in Germantown, Maryland, on Saturday were forced to flee on foot because they couldn’t drive a stick shift.
Surveillance footage shows the teens, aged 16 and 17, yanking the driver from vehicle, then entering the front seats. As they puzzle over the controls, the car remains motionless for about 20 seconds. Then they get out and run off.
“Unable to drive a manual transmission, the juveniles exited the vehicle and left the scene on foot,†Montgomery County police said in a statement.
Police officers spotted the suspects nearby and caught them following a short chase.
The teenagers were charged as adults with one count of carjacking and one count of conspiracy carjacking. They were jailed without bond. Posted by JR

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