Heartbreaking: Mother Tells Her 4-Year-Old Daughter That She’s Going To Pass Away As She Enters Hospice!
26-year-old mother tells her 4-year-old daughter that she is going pass away as she enters hospice care, says she is grateful for the 26 years she lived.
Great outlook.
Sara Long is preparing her family for her de*th after doctors told her she has weeks to live.
Long has had lifelong kidney problems. She had previously received an organ transplant from her mother however her body rejected it.
"I feel like I've already had my miracle. I feel like [my daughter] is my miracle. And getting to spend these years that I've had with her is my miracle because it has put in so much work and so much effort into making sure that I stay alive and saving my life time and time again."
Long wrote her daughter letters for when she has her first day of school, all the way to getting her graduate degree.
"There are probably dozens, if not hundreds, of letters at this point, to open at different various points in her life. So, like her first day of school all through, or a graduate degree, potentially." || Posted by CZ