Just Foul: Young Indian Couple Sell Their 8-Month-Old Infant To Purchase An iPhone So They Could Create Videos For Instagram Reels!
A shocking incident has occurred in West Bengal where a couple went to an extreme length just to create an Instagram reel while travelling across the state. According to a report by the Times of India, a couple from North 24 Parganas district, sold their child to buy iPhone 14 to create IG reels.
The incident came to light after neighbours noticed that the eight-month-old baby of the family has gone missing yet the parents looked carefree and unanxious. Besides, seeing an iPhone handset with them, which costs no less than a lakh, also raised doubt among neighbours as the couple was known to have financial difficulties in the past. Subsequently, the neighbours filed a complaint at the police station.
The cops have arrested the mother while the father remains absconded.
The mother confessed to the police that they sold the baby to acquire money for purchasing the iPhone to create reels on Instagram, showcasing their travels across West Bengal.
The police have registered a case against the couple, as well as, the woman who bought the baby in a case related to human trafficking.
Unfortunately, this is not the first incident. Several reports have emerged, even from other countries, where people have sold their children for iPhones.
In 2016, a Chinese couple allegedly sold their newborn 18-day-old baby daughter for $3530 to buy an iPhone.
A Duan, father of the child, from Fujian Province in the country's southeast found a buyer for his 18-day-old child on the social media site QQ, who paid $3530 (23,000 Yuan) for the baby.
This year, an Australian woman expressed her desire in court to exchange her unborn child for an iPhone. She locked two of her daughters inside a car for nine hours leading to their demise.

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