What Could Go Wrong? Australian Man Tries To Drag Shark Into Ocean And Then This Happens!
A brave dad has gone head to head with a bronze whaler shark, wrestling it in the water, as stunned onlookers watched on in disbelief. Tristan Turner was fishing with his two sons off the jetty in Kangaroo Island, South Australia, where they live when they accidentally hooked the massive shark, prompting the daring dad to jump into action.
While the shark, said to be up to three metres long, was eventually released back into the ocean safely, Turner first had to remove the hook from its mouth – and what followed amazed spectators. Video capturing the incident shows the shirtless dad splashing around in knee-deep water, wrangling the restless shark and holding it by its tail as the animal attempts to free itself from the man's grip.
Bronze whaler sharks are often spotted close to shore around Australian beaches and are not considered aggressive. However, there are some fatalities caused by the species on record. Turner didn't appear concerned by the close encounter however.

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