“On a late afternoon game drive in the Kruger National Park, we stopped to watch a lone male white rhino drinking water at a pan,†the filmer said. “Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large male elephant appeared at the pan.â€
“This bull elephant seemed incredibly irate to find another large animal at the water,†the filmer continued. “The elephant bull aggressively confronted the rhino, and the rhino initially stood his ground.â€
“The angry elephant then decided to get physical and pushed the rhino onto its side,†the filmer said. “The rhino started squealing and screaming while the angry elephant relentlessly pushed and shoved the fallen rhino with its tusks.â€
“The extreme endangered classification of the rhinoceros prompted the guide to distract the elephant bull by moving the vehicle and shouting and whistling at the elephant,†the filmer explained. “This seemed to have the desired outcome and shortly afterwards the rhino can be seen beating a hasty retreat.†Posted By PSmooth

Rhino Thought He Could Take On An Elephant!

Wait For It: Elephant Sends This Man Flying!

They Were Filming On The Beach When Suddenly This Happened!

Trigger Warning: A Short Film From 1975 When The Biggest Problem Was Alcoholics... Why You Should Let Go Of Alcohol!

Woman Says She Will Never Date A Man Who Takes Her To A Chain Restaurant On The First Date "I Can't, I Wouldn't Even Reply Back To You"

Elephant Uses “Stealth Mode” To Foil Anti-Elephant Fence! (No Sound)

Wildin': Dad Brings His 2-Year-Old Daughter Into An Elephant Habitat, Drops Child During Escape At San Diego Zoo!

This Elephant Is Super Acrobatic!

'Disabled Man' In Wheelchair Suddenly Recovers, Escapes Custody From Police!

Louisiana Farmer Accidentally Runs Into Alligator And Launches It Up!

Woah: Rhino Attacks Tourists & Overturns Their Truck At National Park In India!

China Launches $1 Trillion Artificial Sun That Burns 5 Times Hotter Than The Sun!

Terrifying: Safari Truck Drives Backwards While It Gets Chased By A Rhino!

Thick AF: She's Albino But She Can Get Hit Harder Than A Rhino!

Fear Mode Activated: Pit Bull Tries Attacking Man During Green Light!

Life Flashed Before His Eyes: Curious Rhino Scared The Life Out Of This Sleeping Dog!

Safari Goes Horribly Wrong: African Elephant Attacks Tourists Safari Jeep!

He Wont Do That Again: Rhino Thought He Could Take Out This Truck But He Was No Match!

Worst Punishments In History: Death By Elephant!

WW3 About To Start? Iran Has Launched Drone Attacks At Israel, U.S. Officials Say!

He's Gone: Rodeo Clown Gets Launched Into The Air By A Raging Bull!

Ready To Risk It All: This Elephant Knew Exactly What He Was Doing!

Aries Spears Says He's Not Surprised Terrorist Attacks Happened After Trump Got Elected!

Bull Called Shotgun: Driver With Bull In His Passenger Seat Pulled Over By Nebraska Police!

Can't Blame Him: Elephant Was Slapping Them Cheeks!

Texas Man Dies In Police Custody After Suddenly Throwing Up In Interrogation Room After Allegedly Swallowing Drugs!

Scary Times: Israel Has Launched An Attack On Iran, Reportedly Targeting The Nuclear Facility Situated In Isfahan!

Kings Of The Ocean... Killer Whales Paint The Ocean Red.. Hunting Down Female Elephant Seals!

He’s Hella Wrong For This: Nuclear Attack Prank On Uncle… Tried To Give This Old Man A Heart Attack!

Hold Up: Method Man Gets Asked "Biggie Or Big L?" & This Was His Response!

That Was Personal: Chimp Launches Bottle At A Girl's Face... Leaves Her Leaking At Zoo!

Wait For It: Photographer Narrowly Escapes Crocodile Attack!

“He’s Not Even In Office Yet… Suddenly, Everybody Starting To Act Right” Bro With The Overview… Speaking On Trump!

TV Personality Touré Alleges A Male Family Member Suddenly Ended His Internship With Diddy Over Alleged Overnight Proposal!

NJ Sheriff’s Office Reports That 50 Drones With 8-Foot Wingspans Suddenly Emerged From The Ocean Last Night!

Big Sean Speaks On The Time Kanye West Made Him Fire His Homie After Taking A Picture Of Him & Jay-Z & Posting It On Twitter!

The Most Devious Side Eye! Dude Sealed His Own Fate Walking Into Bull Moose Territory: "That’s Close Enough, Buddy!"

Charleston White Speaks On Why He Respects BIG Meech! "He A Real Playa"

Elephant Was Trying To Get Straight To The Point... Seeing How Far He Could Go With This Thailand Women Posing On The Beach!