Did Ancient Aliens Bring Humans The First Water Bong? [Sponsored]
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Putting ice in your bong is not a healthy way to cool down smoke. When hot smoke passes over ice cubes it can bring vaporized water particles into your lungs, which increases the likelihood of infection in the airways and lungs. By using a frozen glycerin chamber you remove the water particle aspect and get a colder, smoother hit.
Through innovation and science, Freeze Pipe pushes the glass industry for healthier designs at affordable prices. These glycerin based bongs, bubblers and pipes all feature various combinations of glycerin chambers and filtration. We're not saying mixing water and smoke is bad, it's actually really good for you from a filtration standpoint. We're just saying it's not ideal to inhale frozen ice particles.
Glycerin is a non-toxic gel-like liquid commonly found in food and sweeteners that freezes quicker than water and stays frozen longer.
Our viral sensation Freeze Pipe offers the smoothest hits you've ever experienced from a handpipe. Not to mention it's quicker and easier than dealing with larger pieces. From there our products venture into water filtration for extra smoothness via our bubbler, bong and recycler options. Learn more today by clicking the link above or searching for Freeze Pipe.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram @freezepipe

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