"Who's The Bigger Banana? Trump or Clinton" (Lamborghini Prank) [User Submitted]
Who's the Bigger Banana? Trump or Clinton LAMBORGHINI Prank!!! (MUST WATCH)
Actor: Reed Ramm
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reed____ramm/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RREMI65?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010922501333&sk=friends&source_ref=pb_friends_tl
TeenDeebler Tv
Reed Ramm
I was dared to fly down to LA and drive down Hollywood BLVD in a Lamborghini while wearing a banana suit as a 17 year old. My friends didn't believe I could do it so I had to shut them up. While I was down there I started to ask the locals who's a bigger banana out of the presidential candidates. The responses were just to good not to throw on youtube.
Special Thanks,
Tai Lopez
Terrence Friez
Seth Wacker
TeenDeebler Tv