Jasmine & Nancy report "The video features quotes from the real Freeway "Rocky" Ross and even better an on camera admission of a CIA agent admitting that the government does in fact bring the drugs in the country, he received so many threats that he later committed suicide, plus much more. This is just one part of the trailer, I will have the second part soon and I would like to send that to you as well. Please post this on the site, I unequivocally feel that this is something that everyone who views your site should see as it directly affects all of us. Knowledge is power and although the facts presented in this documentary such as: the governments involvement in the drug-trade, can be found in several books, journals, and company profiles, as your site has shown videos spark greater conversations in New Media through comments and blogs. Knowing that more then 1 million prisoners are in jail for non-violent drug crimes, while the CEO's of these prisons are paid upward $50k /year per prisoner and while they are paid for housing them, they are now slaves forced to work while in prison making roads, cosmetics and countless other items all that the same people get paid for. It's considerably preposterous honestly and I am sure that once you watch it you'll see it too"

“America Trained Them… Now They Run The Cartels?!” Cartel Insider Claims Ex-US Special Forces Are Leading Cartel Death Squads!

Former Slaves Filmed Speaking About Their Experiences As A Slave In America!

China's Racism in Kenya!

New Drug, Xylazine, Is Causing Chaos On The Streets Of America... Rotting People's Skin!

The Marine Who Brutally Mocked And Tortured Drug Lords!

He's Been A Menace: That Time Sean Strickland Blamed Women For The Decline In America! "We Need To Put Them Back In The Kitchen"

Master P Teams Up With Former Tesla Engineer To Create The First Black Owned Super Car In America!

Donald Trump Declares War On Drug Cartels! “We Will Show No Mercy On The Cartels”

"Good Summary Of The History Of Slavery" Elon Musk Promotes A Summit Speaking On Slavery!

Dave Chappelle Blasts Israel's 'War Crimes' By Telling A Story....Some Fans Reportedly Walked Out!

Playing A Dangerous Game: Dude Pulled Up To The Most Racist Town In America.. Harrison, Arkansas And This Happened!

Crip Mac Weighs In On The War Between Israel & Palestine!

How Over $1 Million Was Stolen From The World Trade Center In 1998!

Taliban Mocks America In A Propaganda Video That Shows Its Fighters Dressed Up In Us Army Uniforms And Gear!

Well Damn: Voice Of Kratos "Christopher Judge" Takes A Shot At Call Of Duty During The 2023 Game Awards!

Back At It: Anonymous Declares "Cyber War" Against Vladimir Putin's Government!

So America Is "The Best Country In The World"? How Sick Days Work In Other Countries!

White Police Officer Arrives To Investigate Shooting But The Crowd Doesn't Want Any White Cops Involved!

Top Gun: Mystery Pilot Nicknamed "The Ghost Of Kyiv" Takes Down 6 Russian Jets By Himself!

Stuntin On The Gram Goes Wrong: Italy's Most Wanted Man, Mafia Cocaine Trafficker, Busted After Posing At Pablo Escobar's Grave!

This Is What Happens When The Cops Bring A Drug Dog To The Beach During Spring Break!

This Syrian Child's Anguish After A Chemical Attack!

Flipping The Script: Nightline Does A Segment Calling Out Racism & Violence In The Black Community Against The Asian Community!

All Bad: Cocaine Disguised As Cake Leads To The Arrest Of 2 People!

"America Could Never" Woman Showing Why Japan Is One Of The Cleanest Countries... Shxtting on America!

Racism Or Curiosity? Asian Man Approached Black Man And Asked Him This!

Survival Instinct: Russian Soldier Throws Away Bombs Dropped On Him From A Drone Twice!

This About To Escalate Into A Full World War: Israeli Army Spokesman Admitting A War Crime On TV. Confirms They Bombed A Refugee Camp "Tragedy In War"

This Turkey Neck Pastor Has One Of The Most Racist Takes On Slavery!

DEEP: Laurence Fishburne Reads An Escaped Slave's Letter To His Old Master!

Dude Starts Doing Heil Hitler Salutes And Screaming Of A Race War At Seattle Airport!

Top 10 Racist Towns In United States Of America!

Not Fooling Anyone: Undercover Cop Tries Coping Some Crack!

The Tragic Story Of Tara Correa McMullen:... Actress Killed By Rollin 60s Crips For Dating A Gang Member!

Game Over: Drug Bust In Queens Nets Over $10 Million Worth Of Heroin, Fentanyl & Cocaine!

Spoke His Mind: Man Makes "World War III" Prediction That The United States Will Be Invaded!

Gunplay Goes Off On Asian Fan... Blames Him For The Coronavirus Pandemic On His Live! "Your Race Effed Up The World"

WNBA Star, Brittney Griner, Arrested At Russian Airport For Getting Caught With Hash In The Bag... Facing 10 Years! (Been In Jail For 3 Weeks Already)

Valid Point? Dame Dash Responds To Former Def Jam President Lyor Cohen's Statement, Regarding Whether Lyor Cohen Caused The Split Between Him & Jay-Z!